
In case of heat exchange of corrosive media, DIABON plate heat exchangers are first choice. Plate heat exchangers are the most modern and efficient heat exchange technology on the market. They replace more and more traditional types like block, annular groove or shell & tube heat exchangers. In cooperation between Alfa Laval and SGL Carbon plate heat exchangers made out of DIABON graphite are established. More than 3000 references worldwide and continuous innovations like the world largest graphite plate heat exchanger type P90 are our proof of outstanding customer benefits.
  • Most efficient and economic heat exchanger technology: lower invest cost compare to other heat exchanger types highest heat recovery for interchanger.
  • High flexibility: modular expansion possible.
  • Compact design: up to 75% less space requirement (advantage, capacity expansion/retrofit).
  • High plant availability: up to 50% less production stops for maintenance, repair and service.

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