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Cast iron rolls used in rolling mills, re a type of roll designed for the rolling process, where they play a critical role in shaping and processing metals.

Cast iron rolls are typically made of a special type of cast iron that is engineered to withstand the extreme pressures and temperatures encountered during the rolling process, especially in hot rolling mills.

-Hot Rolling Mills: Cast iron rolls are commonly used in hot rolling mills, where metal is processed at high temperatures. They help shape steel ingots, billets, or slabs into finished products like plates, sheets, and coils.

-Cold Rolling Mills: While less common in cold rolling mills than in hot rolling, cast iron rolls may still be used in certain applications that require consistent performance without the extreme heat.

-Strip, Sheet, and Plate Rolling: These rolls are particularly useful in the production of flat steel products, ensuring consistent thickness and surface quality.

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The rolling mill is part of the process in which metal ingots, billets, or slabs are passed through a set of rolls, which are precisely designed to elongate and thin the material into sheets, strips, or other desired shapes.

The rolling mill include specifications for the type of mill (e.g., hot or cold), the size and shape of the product it is designed to produce, the materials it processes, and any specialized features or technologies integrated into the mill for efficiency, precision, or energy-saving purposes.

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